Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Working for my tattoo money...

Alright, so I haven't blogged in a hot minute because I have been working hard for my tattoo money. I work at a firework stand every 4th and New Years. This year I worked four days around the 4th so I should be getting a decent amount of money. I'm really excited about this tattoo. It'll be my first one and probably the biggest one I'll ever get. I'm going to get my favorite quote on the side of my stomach. The quote is "Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." It's a Dr. Seuss quote. I love it. However, I probably won't get this tattoo until.....maybe around fall....I have to be sneaky about it! I'm going to it done in the town that I attend college (which is about 3 hours away from my house) or somewhere close by. Speaking of college, I'm going to heading up there Thursday and do some community service with the group I'm a part of. Well, until next time because my cat is crawling all over me wanting to be rubbed...and that's what I'm going to do. :) Bye!

Song of the Day: Made to Love by Toby Mac. I just recently rediscovered this song! This song has a great beat and that feel good vibe. Now, I'm not really a religious person, but it has a positive message nonetheless!


  1. Ooh! that will be such a sweet tat! Come see me while you are in Columbus. You should make a quick trip to Tupelo. Please and THANKs! LOVE you!

  2. That sounds like a really cool tattoo, but please don't get it in Columbus! That place is sketch. I've heard about and seen bad tattoos from there.

  3. I'll see what I can do Leah!

    Thanks for the heads up Sloma! I'll get it done in Tupelo then. :)
